!charizard |
Lists the commands of the bot. |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!value, !search, !monstro |
Wizard101 value guide commands. |
No |
Wizard101 (can be toggled) |
!setprefix <prefix> |
Sets the server prefix, such as &, $, !, etc. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!chatfilter <on> <off> !channelfilter <on> <off> |
Turns off the server's chat or channel filter on or off. It filters common racial slurs in English. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!msgclr <# of messages> <User mention if required> |
Bulk deletes messages (# of specified messages, and optionally a user) |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!logchannel <#channel> !logchannel <Channel ID> |
Sets the channel that you are wanting to log to for the bot. Currently only logs chat filter messages. Off by default. Use !togglelogs to turn on. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!togglemisc !togglewiz !toggleimgur !togglegif
!togglesuggestions !togglecoc !togglelogs !togglereddit |
Toggles each feature of the bot on or off on the server. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!redditnsfw |
Toggles reddit NSFW on or off. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!msglogs |
Turns on/off message logging. Set the logging channel by using the !logchannel command. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!ignorechannel |
Turns on/off message logging in that channel. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!filterlist |
Lists the words in the chat filter. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!settings |
Displays the current server's bot settings. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!autoban <on> <off> |
Toggle Charizardbot's auto-ban function for brand new accounts. Default is less than 1 hour old. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!autobantime <time> |
Sets the time config for the auto-ban function. Default is 1 hour. Use "M/D/H". An example: !autobantime 10M. No unit specified will use the minutes unit. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!getautobantime |
Gets the auto-ban duration if it is set. |
Yes |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!removesuggestion <ID> |
Removes a suggestion from the database. |
No (Server Manager req'd) |
Suggestions (can be toggled) |
!approve/deny <ID> |
Removes a suggestion from the database. |
No (Server Manager req'd) |
Suggestions (can be toggled) |
!petstats <strength intellect agility will power> |
Calculates your Wizard101 pet's stats. |
No |
Wizard101 (can be toggled) |
!schedule |
Displays the current Wizard101 Tournament schedule. Updated every 30 minutes. |
No |
Wizard101 (can be toggled) |
!rng <number> |
Random Number Generator. Enter more numbers for more results. |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!joindate !joindate @user |
Gets the date that the user joined the server. |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!rps <rock, paper, or scissors> |
Play a game of Rock Paper Scissors with the bot! |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!pokedex <Pokémon name or number> |
Get information on a Pokémon |
No |
Pokédex (cannot be turned off) |
!randpokemon |
Gets a random Pokémon from the Pokédex and displays information on it. |
No |
Pokédex (cannot be turned off) |
!pokequotes |
Generate a random Pokémon quote from the bot. |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!enlarge <emote> |
Enlarge your emotes. |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |
!imgursearch <query> !randimgur <query> |
Search Imgur for the first queried item, or pick a random item from the search results. |
No |
Imgur Search (can be toggled) |
!gif <query> !randgif <query> |
Search Tenor for the top gif from your query or have the bot show a random gif from the top 50 results of your query. |
No |
Tenor Gif Search (can be toggled) |
!randpost <subreddit> (Optional: specify sorting after the subreddit.) |
Randomly picks from 100 and posts a post from a specified subreddit OR from r/all if none is specified. Sorted by top unless specified after the subreddit. |
No |
Reddit Commands (can be toggled) |
!randmeme <Optional:Sorting> |
Randomly picks from the top 200 posts out of 5 meme subreddits and posts a meme. Optional sorting can be specified. |
No |
Reddit Commands (can be toggled) |
!suggest <suggestion text> !listsuggestions !getsuggestion <ID> |
Suggest something for the Discord Server using CharizardBot! |
No |
Suggestions (can be toggled) |
send nudes |
Returns a random "send nudes meme" |
No |
Misc Commands (can be toggled) |
!randomjoke |
Returns a random joke from a joke database. |
No |
Misc Commands (can be toggled) |
!anime <query> |
Queries MyAnimeList for your query. Note: If you want to search for a season, just add a number after a space at the end. Such as "My Hero Academia 4." |
No |
Misc Commands (can be toggled) |
!claninfo <Clan Name> !claninfo <#ClanTag> |
Returns information about a clan in Clash of Clans |
No |
CoC Commands (can be toggled) |
!clanplayers <#ClanTag> |
Returns the list of players in a clan |
No |
CoC Commands (can be toggled) |
!playerinfo <PlayerTag> |
Returns information about a player in Clash of Clans |
No |
CoC Commands (can be toggled) |
!searchclans <Clan Name> |
Returns the top 3 results of a clan search. |
No |
CoC Commands (can be toggled) |
!ping |
Checks the bot's latency to Discord |
No |
Main Bot (cannot be turned off) |