
CharizardBot is a simple, small discord bot that includes useful commands for games such as Wizard101 and Clash of Clans.
The bot includes a racial slur chat filter, Pokedex commands, Imgur/GIF search, and more in the listed commands below.

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CharizardBot Commands

Here are the commands that are currently in the bot.
More will be added in the future.

Command Description Server Admin Feature set
!charizard Lists the commands of the bot. No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!value, !search, !monstro Wizard101 value guide commands. No Wizard101 (can be toggled)
!setprefix <prefix> Sets the server prefix, such as &, $, !, etc. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!chatfilter <on> <off>
!channelfilter <on> <off>
Turns off the server's chat or channel filter on or off. It filters common racial slurs in English. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!msgclr <# of messages> <User mention if required> Bulk deletes messages (# of specified messages, and optionally a user) Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!logchannel <#channel>
!logchannel <Channel ID>
Sets the channel that you are wanting to log to for the bot. Currently only logs chat filter messages. Off by default. Use !togglelogs to turn on. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
Toggles each feature of the bot on or off on the server. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!redditnsfw Toggles reddit NSFW on or off. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!msglogs Turns on/off message logging. Set the logging channel by using the !logchannel command. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!ignorechannel Turns on/off message logging in that channel. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!filterlist Lists the words in the chat filter. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!settings Displays the current server's bot settings. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!autoban <on> <off> Toggle Charizardbot's auto-ban function for brand new accounts. Default is less than 1 hour old. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!autobantime <time> Sets the time config for the auto-ban function. Default is 1 hour. Use "M/D/H". An example: !autobantime 10M. No unit specified will use the minutes unit. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!getautobantime Gets the auto-ban duration if it is set. Yes Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!removesuggestion <ID> Removes a suggestion from the database. No (Server Manager req'd) Suggestions (can be toggled)
!approve/deny <ID> Removes a suggestion from the database. No (Server Manager req'd) Suggestions (can be toggled)
!petstats <strength intellect agility will power> Calculates your Wizard101 pet's stats. No Wizard101 (can be toggled)
!schedule Displays the current Wizard101 Tournament schedule. Updated every 30 minutes. No Wizard101 (can be toggled)
!rng <number> Random Number Generator. Enter more numbers for more results. No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!joindate @user
Gets the date that the user joined the server. No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!rps <rock, paper, or scissors> Play a game of Rock Paper Scissors with the bot! No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!pokedex <Pokémon name or number> Get information on a Pokémon No Pokédex (cannot be turned off)
!randpokemon Gets a random Pokémon from the Pokédex and displays information on it. No Pokédex (cannot be turned off)
!pokequotes Generate a random Pokémon quote from the bot. No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!enlarge <emote> Enlarge your emotes. No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)
!imgursearch <query>
!randimgur <query>
Search Imgur for the first queried item, or pick a random item from the search results. No Imgur Search (can be toggled)
!gif <query>
!randgif <query>
Search Tenor for the top gif from your query or have the bot show a random gif from the top 50 results of your query. No Tenor Gif Search (can be toggled)
!randpost <subreddit> (Optional: specify sorting after the subreddit.) Randomly picks from 100 and posts a post from a specified subreddit OR from r/all if none is specified. Sorted by top unless specified after the subreddit. No Reddit Commands (can be toggled)
!randmeme <Optional:Sorting> Randomly picks from the top 200 posts out of 5 meme subreddits and posts a meme. Optional sorting can be specified. No Reddit Commands (can be toggled)
!suggest <suggestion text>
!getsuggestion <ID>
Suggest something for the Discord Server using CharizardBot! No Suggestions (can be toggled)
send nudes Returns a random "send nudes meme" No Misc Commands (can be toggled)
!randomjoke Returns a random joke from a joke database. No Misc Commands (can be toggled)
!anime <query> Queries MyAnimeList for your query. Note: If you want to search for a season, just add a number after a space at the end. Such as "My Hero Academia 4." No Misc Commands (can be toggled)
!claninfo <Clan Name>
!claninfo <#ClanTag>
Returns information about a clan in Clash of Clans No CoC Commands (can be toggled)
!clanplayers <#ClanTag> Returns the list of players in a clan No CoC Commands (can be toggled)
!playerinfo <PlayerTag> Returns information about a player in Clash of Clans No CoC Commands (can be toggled)
!searchclans <Clan Name> Returns the top 3 results of a clan search. No CoC Commands (can be toggled)
!ping Checks the bot's latency to Discord No Main Bot (cannot be turned off)